Testosterone is a steroid hormone that is produced by the characteristics of sex and regulates male reproductive function. It is called the most powerful muscle-building hormone because it does just that builds muscle and strength fast. Testosterone increases muscle protein synthesis and net muscle balance proteins, resulting in increased muscle mass. “Testosterone is one of the most effective hormones for burning fat in both men and women,” states Dr. Ullis. Signs of low test levels including low energy levels, muscle weakness, depression, and sexual dysfunction. Too much testosterone in males can convert into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which has a significant effect on the prostate gland plus cause hair loss, and estrogen, increased fat storage, increased fat storage, and gynecomasha in males. It is important to measure both “free” testosterone (the active form) levels and estrogen levels to make sure there is not too much estrogen being produced. Estrogen can halt your muscle-building efforts.
Testosterone-Boosting Supplements
ZMA is highly specific and is unique in vitamins and mineral combinations. There are certain positive impacts on athletic performance as well as testosterone levels. ZMA is a special combination of zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6. Zinc is involved in hormones, including insulin, growth hormone, testosterone, and estrogen, and in more than 200 enzymatic reactions. Research has shown that individuals have a greater need for zinc and are more prone to a zinc deficiency. It is proven to increase testosterone levels in healthy subjects. A 1996 study showed that taking 30 mg of supplemental zinc daily by healthy moderate moderate deficiency doubled their testosterone levels in a six-month time frame. Magnesium is involved in over 300 enzymes in the body, including glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, creative phosphate formation, nucleic acid synthesis, amino acid activation, cardiac and smooth muscle contractability, cyclic AMP, and most important for strength athletes, protein synthesis. Vitamin B6 is also known as pyridoxine and has some major implications in protein synthesis. The coenzyme form of this vitamin is a vast number of enzymes, the majority as part of amino acid metabolism. B6 is necessary in glycogen catabolism to “unlock” the carbohydrate energy and it has also been shown to reduce the actions of certain catabolic steroids, such as glucocorticoid hormones (cortisol). This can boost the testosterone-to-cortisol ratio, leading to positive muscle-building effects. This product has been combined with HMB supplements to improve its effects.
The zinc product is specifically formulated as zinc aspartate and zinc mono-L-methionine, which makes it more bioavailable. The magnesium is a chelated form bound to aspartate, which increases its bioavailabity. Research with ZMA shows that the combination of zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6 can increase total and free testosterone levels by 30 percent. A study published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise showed that night supplementation with ZMA also increased strength and power. Taking one dose of ZMA about thirty minutes before bedtime is recommended.
Tribulus Terrestris. This herb, used in Ayurvedic medicine, is also known as wine puncture and has been used as a testosterone booster to increase levels naturally through a unique mechanism. This stimulates the production of leutinizing hormone (LH) from the anterior pituitary gland, which in turn stimulates testosterone production. Clinical studies show that Tribulus can increase LH and free testosterone levels in healthy subjects by 70 percent and 40 percent respectively. A Bulgarian study revealed that more than 200 people who suffer from impotence — which is often caused by low testosterone levels — showed increased testosterone and LH levels and sperm production after subjects were equipped with the preparation of Tribulus terrestris. This research also shows that it is very safe. He works at divided doses of around 750–1,500 mg per day; a good time to drink it is first thing in the morning and one hour before exercise.
Eurycoma Longifolia. This herb root, commonly known as Tongkat Ali in Malaysia, has been used for centuries to treat fatigue, loss of sexual desire, and impotence. Many studies show that it enhances sexual function and sexual desire. Some human studies also show that it can increase testosterone levels through various mechanisms. Active ingredients include glycosaponin and eurypeptide compounds. Recent human clinical trials have shown that Eurycoma products from HP Ingredients and patented LongjaXTM increase IGF-1 levels and modulate natural testosterone and cortisol levels. Bioactive Euripeptide seems to increase sex drive and function, both in men and women, by increasing testosterone levels and inhibiting sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), so that more free testosterone is left in the blood. Human clinical research conducted by Dr. Ismail Tambi, from the Specialist Reproduction Research Center, in Malaysia, has confirmed that LJ100 increases serum testosterone and DHEA levels and significantly decreases SHBG levels. Eurycoma promises to increase testosterone levels and improve general health. The recommended amount ranges from 100–300 mg in divided doses every day.